Middle School & High School

English (Literature and Language):
Rachel Hay, High School Diploma (Renfrewshire, Scotland) English Language and Literature Higher English; Master of Arts (German and International Relations), University of St Andrews, Scotland with Integrated Year Abroad; TESOL Certificate, Teaching English to Students of Other Languages, University of St Andrews and Trinity College, London; Inclusion and Diversity in Education (Open University); Certification in Supporting Students with Difficulties in Reading and Writing, University of London / Coursera
Irene Fusilli, BA in Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Milan; Master of Arts in European and Extra-European Languages, University of Milan

Inês Albergaria, Masters Degree in Educational Sciences, Specialisation in Mathematics and Science, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa
Nadine Edi Montaruli, Laurea in Fisica, Università degli Studi di Bari; former researcher at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Mr Goran Barbir, Post Graduate Certificate in Education (international), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; Master of Petroleum Engineering (mag.ing.petrol), University of Zagreb, Croatia, Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering (bacc.ing.petrol), University of Zagreb; Croatia, Master of Information Security, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (in progress)
Inês Albergaria, Masters Degree in Educational Sciences, Specialisation in Mathematics and Science, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa
Nadine Edi Montaruli, Laurea in Fisica, Università degli Studi di Bari; former researcher at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Social Studies:
Irene Fusilli, BA in Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Milan; Master of Arts in European and Extra-European Languages, University of Milan
Laura Munaro, Certificate in Advance Education Leadership, Harvard Graduate School of Education; IB Academy, Philadelphia, USA; Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Formazione Primaria, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna; Diploma di Scuola di Specializzazione per l’Insegnamento Secondario Superiore in Scienze Umane, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna; DITALS II, Università per Stranieri di Siena; Laurea Quadriennale in Scienze dell’Educazione, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna

Rachel Hay, High School Diploma (Renfrewshire, Scotland) English Language and Literature Higher English; Master of Arts (German and International Relations), University of St Andrews, Scotland with Integrated Year Abroad; TESOL Certificate, Teaching English to Students of Other Languages, University of St Andrews and Trinity College, London; Inclusion and Diversity in Education (Open University); Certification in Supporting Students with Difficulties in Reading and Writing, University of London / Coursera

ICT – Information and Communication Technology:
Mr Goran Barbir, Post Graduate Certificate in Education (international), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; Master of Petroleum Engineering (mag.ing.petrol), University of Zagreb, Croatia, Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering (bacc.ing.petrol), University of Zagreb; Croatia, Master of Information Security, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (in progress)
Inês Albergaria, Masters Degree in Educational Sciences, Specialisation in Mathematics and Science, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa
Nadine Edi Montaruli, Laurea in Fisica, Università degli Studi di Bari; former researcher at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Laura Seraffini, Bachelor in Translation and Interpretation/Master in Languages and Specialized and Multimedia Translation, Università degli Studi di Udine; Licensed Examiner for German Language Certification, ÖSD Prüferberechtigung, Vienna, Austria

Gabriela García, Master of Teaching Spanish as a Second Language, Antonio de Nebrija University, Madrid, Spain; Certificate as Teacher of Italian as a Second Language, Cuyo National University, Mendoza, Argentina

Italian | Extra Italian| IAL:
Prof.ssa Daniela Maricchio, Laurea in Lettere, Università degli Studi di Trieste.

Prof.ssa Daniela Maricchio, Laurea in Lettere, Università degli Studi di Trieste.

Mr Riccardo Robuschi, High School Diploma, Durban High School, South Africa; ex Professional athlete; Level 3 World Rugby Coaching qualification

Brenda Hung, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Art History, Boston University; Master of Arts degree in Art, Education, and Community Practice, New York University, USA